Scot Conway

Ph.D., J.D., Equipping Speaker

Attorney at Law, Real Estate Broker Martial Arts Grandmaster

Author of 60 books

Scot Conway has an incredibly eclectic resume. He started training in martial arts in 1971. Be became an attorney in 1992. He's been teaching, speaking, and equipping others since the 70s.

In the 1980s, he served at Skyline Church where John Maxwell was the senior pastor. Maxwell has since moved on to global leadership training and has authored more than 60 books, and following that example, Conway, too, has authored scores of books.


Scope of Services


Whether in front of an audience of 10 or 1000, Conway delivers actionable lessons with an engaging presentation.


Sometimes teams desire a deeper dive into principles and application in half-day or full-day workshops.


For individualized application of Conways considerable toolbox of techniques, Conway may coach high performance leaders.

Online Course

Conway's signature I Love Them Enough trainings, Ohana, and many other subjects are available online.

Reports and Books

From complimentary or low-cost reports to full-books, Conway has been a prolific writer. A huge amount of material is available.


Because of Conway's unique collection of credentials, experience, he may accept an advisory role in projects.

Scot Conway Equips Leaders and Teams

I have to say it: "I Told You So, and It's Not Too Late."

I've Been Warning DEI Pros for YEARS!

DEI Departments are being dismantled, dramatically shrunk, or folded in as an incidental, low-priority part of HR. Even Tech, long a champion of DEI, has been stepping away from DEI.

Microsoft completely laid off its DEI team. Tech companies like Google and Meta have slashed DEI programs. It's not just them. It's Zoom, Tesla, Tesla, Lyft, DoorDash, Wayfair, and Home Depot.

It has to be done RIGHT!

It has to be a PLUS to the Company, a PLUS to the Culture, a PLUS to ALL the team members. It has to contribute to a positve, productive, collaborative culture! Too often, clearly, it's been done wrong.

Done RIGHT, it's an absolute PLUS.

Can we just do it right? Please?

If DEI Done Right is a Priority - or even just a consideration - talk to me!

"The wrong way of trying to do the right thing can REALLY make a mess!"

How we do a thing is as important as the thing we're trying to do. In DEI in particular, Conway has literally listened to DEI professionals who declared their cause was more important than whether the company gets sued or not.

That's dangerous! If you break the law in the name of a cause, companies face not just potential backlash, but legal liability, too. Worse, popular models make things worse rather than better.

As a lawyer, Conway recognized many problems early on. His half-century of martial arts trained him in de-escalation, and he watched many just throw gasoline on an existing fire.

We can do this. We just need to do it right.


"Scot Conway is the only speaker I try to book for every single event I do. My audience often comes just to list to him!"

Virginia Muzquiz, Master Connectors, Inc.

I absolutely love this man's philosophy. I love his work ethic. He is a great speaker, a great teacher, and I highly recommend him to everyone."

Charmen Atchison, EDM, Inc.

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